I ran into trouble with the Samba package on my ubuntu 14.04.3. I had the requirement of mapping root (/) folder on the network without concern of the security for my own internal purpose. However, earlier it use to run fine but in the latest Ubuntu it altogether stop responding and throw the error “Invalid handle” in my Windows PC.
So, finally I decided to compile latest version of Samba on ubuntu and check if the issue is resolved. Thankfully, issue got resolved and I was again back to my normal life :).
Please note: It is highly recommended not to map root (/) folder on the network until and unless you really know what you are doing.
Step for compiling and setting up Samba for Ubuntu 14.04.3
- Download the latest source code from http://www.samba.org
- Extract it into some temporary folder like /root/temp/samba
- Install the following packages
- apt-get install build-essential libboost-dev python-dev libgnutls-dev libacl1-dev libldap2-dev
- Run ./configure in the source folder
- Run make
- Run make install
- Finally, all the files will be installed on the following location by default /usr/local/samba
- Copy all the files in /usr/local/samba/bin -> /usr/bin
- You will need to stop the following services before copying the files in/usr/sbin nmbd, smbd & winbind
- Run sudo service nmbd stop
- Run sudo service smbd stop
- Run sudo service winbind stop
- Copy all the files in /usr/local/samba/sbin -> /usr/sbin
- Finally, create the link to your old configuration file execute ” ln /etc/samba/smb.conf /usr/local/samba/etc/smb.conf “
- Restart the server
That’s all you will be able to see the latest samba version running on your server and hopefully with all the bugs removed.
Clear as mud. Can you please explain in detail? Things like “Finally, create the link to your old configuration file” might as well say “Do better” for all that tells me.
Step 15 & 16 were in sync. I have corrected them and merged in 15, check the post again
This helped a ton. Thanks.