MongoDB by default doesn’t provide any authentication mechanism and therefore it is required to activate one by tweaking the configuration file and issuing some commands in the mongodb. Today I will show you how to activate authentication on MongoDB.

Create a folder for holding up the key

mkdir /mongodb-security

chown mongodb /mongodb-security

chgrp mongodb /mongodb-security

Generate a new key inside the folder

cd /mongodb-security

openssl rand -base64 741 > mongo.key

chown mongodb /mongodb-security/mongo.key

chgrp mongodb /mongodb-security/mongo.key

chmod 700 /mongodb-security/mongo.key

Edit /etc/mongodb.conf

Add the following line to the configuration line

keyFile = /mongodb-security/mongo.key

Restart the server

sudo service mongod restart

Create Users

Issue the following on the terminal


use admin

    user: "admin",
    pwd: "password",
    roles: ["userAdminAnyDatabase"]

mongo -u admin -p password --authenticationDatabase admin
      user: "root",
      pwd: "123456",
      roles: [ "root" ]


Connecting to MongoDB

Now you have activated the user authentication and in order to connect to the database you need to issue the following command

mongo -u root -p 123456 --authenticationDatabase admin
Adding authentication to MongoDB

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